Protecting Education

Supporting Neighborhood Schools with an elected school board

Fighting for Workers

Standing up for collective bargaining rights

Fighting for Community

Protecting Vital Services for children, seniors and the disabled

Dear Neighbors,

Illinois is in turmoil. Bruce Rauner and his allies are pitting the middle class against the most vulnerable in our state. They have stripped child care for working mothers and services for children, seniors and the disabled. They have robbed our public school system of vital resources in order to divert money to their charter school pals.

As your State Senator, I will fight Rauner and his allies. I will stand up for our neighborhood schools and the children who attend them. I will give a voice to those who don’t have one. I have spent my entire young life in public service and I am ready to serve you as your State Senator.

Together, we can make Illinois better.


Our community is our collective responsibility.
Lasting change is ours to make together.